본문으로 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기


  • 제작·정비
    • Software Engineer
    • Senior Systems Engineer
    • Senior Software Engineer
    • Senior Artificial Intelligence Technologist
  • 지상사무직
    • Supplier Management


  • 제작·정비
    • Software Engineer : develop requirements, algorithms, interfaces, and designs for our product lines
    • Senior Systems Engineer : perform a wide variety of Systems Engineering functions to ensure avionics systems meet performance requirements and are delivered to meet market and/or customer needs.


  • Software Engineer
    • Degree and typical experience in engineering classification:
    • Bachelor's and 5 or more years' experience,
    • Master's degree with 3 or more years' experience or PhD degree with experience.
    • Bachelor, Master or Doctorate of Science degree from an accredited course of study, in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics or chemistry.
  • Senior Systems Engineer
    • Degree and typical experience in engineering classification:
    • Bachelor's and 10 or more years' experience, Master's degree with 5 or more years' experience or PhD degree with experience.
    • Bachelor, Master or Doctorate of Science degree from an accredited course of study, in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics or chemistry.
  • 공통사항
    • 대한민국 국적 및 한국에서 일할 수 있는 자격이 있는 자
    • 전공 : Industrial Engineering (Preferred), Maths (Preferred), Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering 등
    • Strong analytical skills required


  • Software Engineer
    • Skills and experience in real-time operating systems such as VxWorks, DO-178B/C, understanding of firewalls, protocols, secure sockets communication, public key certificates, and certification
    • Experience in software development for avionics systems or complex commercial electronics products
    • Experience working International (multi-national team members) projects collaborating in English
  • Senior Systems Engineer
    • Experience in the development, production, and/or maintenance and repair of avionics systems or complex commercial electronics products
    • Experience supporting analyses and studies for affordability, safety, reliability, maintainability, testability, human systems integration, survivability, vulnerability, susceptibility, system security, regulatory, certification, product assurance.
    • Experience working International projects collaborating in English

* 출처 http://ksas.or.kr/Board/board.asp?b_code=720&Action=content&GotoPage=1&B_CATE=BBS4


영어면접, 그룹면접

면접 TIP International Business Internship Program은 대학 재학생만 지원가능하다.


  • 면접은 스터디로 준비! 외국계 기업이므로 면접은 모두 영어로 준비하는 것이 좋다. 스터디를 통해 준비하는 것을 추천한다.
  • 자기소개서 위주의 면접질문 자기소개서의 중요성이 다시한번 강조되는 부분이다. 자기소개서를 어떻게 쓰느냐에 따라서 면접을 유리하게 이끌 수 있다.
  • 면접과 자기소개서는 서로 별개 자기소개서에 있는 내용은 이미 면접관들이 아는 내용이기에 면접시 구체적인 경험담이나 색다른 이야기를 하는 것이 포인트이다.
  • 인성 면접이 주로 질문된다. 주로 가치관, 윤리의식 등의 인성질문이 많다.

면접 기출

  • Q 시간관리를 어떻게 하냐
  • Q 인턴을 통해 배우고 싶은거 있냐
  • Q 질문있냐
  • Q 지원동기
  • Q 인턴십을 통해 얻고자하는 것
  • Q 항공산업/보잉에 대해 아는 점?
  • Q 앞으로 항공산업이 나아가야하는 방향?
  • Q Ethics관련 질문